woman sitting with baby on her lap surrounded with purples flower

A Busy Mom’s Guide to Natural Living


With chronic illnesses and cancer rates at an all-time high; it’s never been more important to prioritize your family’s health. A quick google search shows that only 5 – 10% of all cancer cases are from inherited gene defects. That means that 90-95% of cancer cases are caused by external toxins! Reducing our family’s exposure to toxins can greatly reduce their health risks. But it’s a monumental task. Enter A Busy Mom’s Guide to Natural Living.

person sitting on top of gray rock overlooking mountain during daytime

Before I get into that, let me get real with you for a minute. I’m supposed to be telling you how much of an expert I am, but most days I feel like anything but. I still have so much to learn and steps to take before I conquer this low-tox, natural living thing.

I don’t buy organic, I still use plastic bags, and I know I can find a healthier option than my favorite shampoo, but it’s my favorite. So why should you keep reading? Because natural living is a journey, not a destination.

Maybe you’re just starting your journey or maybe you’re further along than I am, but we can still learn from each other. It’s a path of progress not perfection. I’m encouraged by this quote by G.K. Chesterton, “If a thing is worth doing, it’s worth doing badly.”

Why is Natural Living Worth Doing?

About a decade ago, when my son was 4 years old, he was constantly miserable due to everyday irritants like dust and pollen. When I asked the pediatrician what we could do for him, he suggested daily medication. I asked how long he’d be on this medicine before he got better. Without hesitation the doctor answered “Indefinitely.”

While he didn’t pause, I certainly did. I thought, “You want my four-year-old to take a medication daily for the rest of his life? And he’s not going to get better? There’s got to be another way!”

 It became my mission to learn what was causing him to be miserable in the first place and to do whatever I could to remove “it” from his experience. Some sniffles are nothing compared to cancer, but my children’s long-term health is what made the pursuit of natural living worth it!

I suppose my real question for you is, who makes natural living worth it for you?

What is Natural Living?

“Natural,” “low-tox,” “toxin free,” “chemical free,” “clean” and “crunchy” are all terms that seem to be used interchangeably these days. While there are some differences among them, they all share the same basic principles. They refer to a lifestyle concerned with reducing exposure to toxins, being mindful of what we put into and onto our bodies and conserving the environment. For me it’s also about being proactive instead of reactive when it comes to my family’s health and wellness.

If you’re like me, reading that brought to mind a homestead running, sourdough bread baking, super mom who DIYs everything from candles to cleaning products! While I admire those women, I am not one of them. It’s a common misconception that natural living takes a homesteader’s level of commitment to be effective.

But in my experience, small, steady swaps and mindful choices over time lead to pretty amazing results too. And don’t worry, it doesn’t cost as much time and money as you might think either. I can’t cover every strategy I use to save time and money in A Busy Mom’s Guide to Natural Living. You can be sure to find them in other blog posts, in your e-mail and on social media!

Frequently Asked Questions

Personal Care & Household Cleaning Products

Personal care products, household cleaning products, and food. Many people mistakenly assume that if a product is on the shelf at your favorite store, then it’s vetted and is safe. The truth is that there is very little regulation or oversight for cleaning and personal care products in the United States.


As for food, in the U.S. the regulations and safe guards are lagging far behind than in other countries. There are over 10,000 chemical ingredients allowed in food products here, vs. only 400 in most other developed countries. That’s not counting all the pesticides and modifications made during the growing process either.

Chemicals known to cause skin irritation, respiratory issues, and even carcinogens. One that’s used in the embalming process to help break down the body and one that’s known to poison the brain!  Many more linked to organ system toxicity, reproductive, and developmental issues.  And thousands in our food, some that have been linked to hyperactivity and obesity, found in foods particularly marketed to children.

The best thing you can do is read the labels. Yes, ALL the labels. I know that sounds time consuming and exhausting. The good news is there are apps to make it easier. You can also do what I did, and save time and money by find and stick with companies that sell high-quality, safe products.

Passion, Patience & Perseverance

You’ll need a passion that will inspire you and your family to make this lifestyle change.  Patience is a must if you don’t have an unlimited budget.  And perseverance will get you results, even when you opt for take-out and make the easy choice over the healthy one more often than you wish.

You can pursue natural living one essential oil and simple swap at a time and still experience multiple benefits. A Busy Mom’s Guide to Natural Living is about small steps leading to big change.

Going the natural, low-tox route can be expensive. But it doesn’t have to be. As a stay-at-home mom with 7 kids, I’ve managed to budget, save and even earn money on my natural living journey.

As a busy mom with too much to do and not enough time to do it in, adding one more thing, however important, may seem daunting. I get it. That’s what Raising Oily Kids (ROK) is all about ~ sharing my journey so that you can benefit. The goal is for this blog to be a resource for you that saves you time and money as you seek a more natural, healthy lifestyle.

Tips for Success

Make a plan and start small to avoid getting overwhelmed.

Essential Oils
  • Pick one aspect of natural living to tackle at a time. Replace all synthetic fragrances in your house with essential oils and a diffuser. Or switch out your toxic cleaners with one natural all-purpose cleaner.

Join a community and share your wins.

  • Change can make life very difficult. But life is better and easier with friends. Think of me as your new oily friend. Join my FB group and let us know when you experience success. I look forward to encouraging you and cheering for you!

The Last Thing You Need to Know

Remember my son, he’s hardly ever miserable during the season changes anymore and he rarely takes anything for it. Natural living isn’t just about your physical health though. It’s way bigger than that!

I’ll never forget that feeling of dread on that last day in the hospital with my first-born. I thought “You’re going to let me leave with this tiny human? Where’s the book of instruction?”  As a mom, I know you know that feeling too!

That fear resurfaced many times over the years, until one day it didn’t!

 It was early April in 2020, you all know what was going on, I’m sure. I was talking to my neighbor back porch to back porch and frankly she was in panic mode! She asked me, “Aren’t you freaking out, with so many kids and all?” I could honestly and emphatically say “No!”

This natural, low-tox lifestyle gave me confidence in the place of fear. It empowered me as a mother to think rationally, seek answers and act from a place of knowledge even in the face of unknowns. I want every mother I meet to experience that power.

If you’ve met me in person or met me here online by reading A Busy Mom’s Guide to Natural Living, welcome to my circle. Please subscribe, follow ROK on your favorite social media platforms and let’s help each other as we work for healthier, happier homes.

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